The PC Police Strike Again

I wanted to take a minute to weigh in on this. What a complete and total waste of time. What a heaping pile of PC BS. If this were 1909, not 2009, then maybe I could understand the argument made by those who seek to have the Skins name denied trademark protections (namely that it is so offensive that it doesn't deserve it). It's NOT 1909 tho.
How many folks in the country use "Redskins" as a slur? No one. Does 99% of the country even know that it was a slur at some point? Probably not. My God folks, give it a break.
There are so many real problems facing our country today and there are real problems facing the Native American population: things like unbelievably high unemployment rates and rampant alcoholism.
Sports is an escape for tens of millions of Americans. Pro football gives families across the country an opportunity for a couple hours a week to come together and forget about the challenges facing them in their every day lives.
The bottom line is that the PC police need to leave the Redskins name alone.
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